Wednesday 10 September 2008

Travelling India: Stage 3: Dharmsala - Amritsar

From the cold mountain air we have been catapulted into the heat of the Indian planes again, by means of one of the most horrible bus rides till now. The only bus from Dharmsala to Amritsar is a public bus, leaving at 5 am in the morning. Together with a bunch of Israeli backpackers we threw our stuff on the roof of the bus. Though the driver ensured us no attachment was needed, I was fearing all the way long that I would see my backpack flying past the window after hitting yet another hole in the road. In the morning we were freezing in the bus and after some hours we were sweating like pigs. The temperature change is enormous and we both have a serious cough now. In addition, one of the girls (of a huge bunch of noisy kids) threw up on me while I was asleep. She actually threw up out of the window but the wind blew everything on my lap..yummie. My mood was defintely ruined for the rest of the ride after that, as you can imagine.

Luckely after our arrival in Amritsar, a small Indian city (only 1 million people) in Punjab, we got what we came for: The Golden Temple. This Guru Dwara is the holiest place for Sikhs, the ones that are commonly known in Europe for their turbans and look like the stereotype of Indians for many abroad. The temple is absolutely amazing, entrance is free and we strolled around for a while. After dinner we returned to see the temple at night, even more beautiful and a very relaxing place for a late night walk. All this made up for the bad bus experience earlier that day and we are both very glad to have made it here.

This afternoon we are going to the Pakistani border in the back of an open jeep to see the border closing ceremony with Pakistani and Indian soldiers. Hope I will be able to tell you about that later;)

Indian quality Internet doesn't allow me to upload pictures for be continued

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